fst - Lightning Fast Serialization of Data Frames
Multithreaded serialization of compressed data frames using the 'fst' format. The 'fst' format allows for full random access of stored data and a wide range of compression settings using the LZ4 and ZSTD compressors.
Last updated 5 months ago
12.95 score 621 stars 52 dependents 1.8k scripts 8.6k downloadsfstcore - R Bindings to the 'Fstlib' Library
The 'fstlib' library provides multithreaded serialization of compressed data frames using the 'fst' format. The 'fst' format allows for random access of stored data and compression with the 'LZ4' and 'ZSTD' compressors.
Last updated 10 days ago
4.96 score 53 dependents 6 scripts 11k downloads